Phone : | 8413 0907 |
Address: | 18 Carter Rd Brookvale NSW 2100 |
Website : | |
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We know there are few things in life as satisfying as a tidy, good-looking wardrobe tailor-made just for you.
Come into our Brookvale showroom to see our sliding, hinged and walk-in wardrobes in real life and talk to one of our super helpful storage gurus.
We specialise in clever storage solutions:
- Sliding door ‘robes
- Hinged door ‘robes
- Walk-in ‘robes
- Pantries and linen cupboards
- Study nooks
- Custom fit-outs
- Wardrobe refurbishments
Call us on 8413 0907 or visit to book an in-home measure and quote.
7am. Sorted.