You may not exactly be thinking about a fireplace at this time of year but it is definitely something that needs adequate planning for if you’re intending to add one into your build or renovation.
Abbey Fireplaces have put together some considerations for sealed gas and sealed wood fireplaces v’s open wood fireplaces which is particularly handy for people who may be looking to upgrade an existing fireplace. I think everyone loves the idea of a quiet night and ambience in front of an open fire but here are some benefits of sealed fireplaces to think about.
Abbey Fireplaces have put together some considerations for sealed gas and sealed wood fireplaces v’s open wood fireplaces which is particularly handy for people who may be looking to upgrade an existing fireplace. I think everyone loves the idea of a quiet night and ambience in front of an open fire but here are some benefits of sealed fireplaces to think about.
- Sealed fireplaces do not release any gases into the room therefore you are not inhaling any. There is also less of a chance of falling asleep because of the gas being released into the room.
- No oxygen is taken from the room, so no windows need to be left open to allow air to get in.
- Sealed fireplaces are more efficient because the heat is more contained and along with the fan and dedicated air opening, can direct the heat out into the room far better and warm the area in a shorter amount of time.
- Some sealed fireplace brands such as Escea & Ortal (optional) have a power flue system. This means that where the flexible (2) flue terminates, there is a separate fan that pushes in the air from the atmosphere while the other flue pushes gases out into the atmosphere. This helps feed the fire therefore not as much gas is used. Some Escea models have a 5star efficiency rating as a result.
- Most of the heat is contained in the firebox and along with the baffle plate (located in the roof of the firebox) which acts as a heat deflector, does not let most of the heat escape up the flue rather than into the actual room. This makes sealed wood fireplaces far more efficient.
- Some brands such as Eureka have a standard 3 speed fan which pushes the heat out further into room thus warming the area in a shorter amount of time.
- Sealed wood fireplaces do not let out any lit embers or ash and very little smoke into room which can be dangerous and maybe cause a fire, as can occur in an open wood fireplace.
- Some brands such as Lopi and ADF have a damper control which means when the door of the fireplace is open to reload with wood, the flue can be fully open so the smoke can escape up the flue rather than being released into the room.
- Lopi Wood fireplaces also have the option of a “greenstart” igniter. It an electric bellow that blows hot air (760 degress Celsius) into the firebox igniting the wood.
This cannot be done in an open wood fireplace.

