Phone : | Paul Albanese on 0418 963 905 or 1300 MIX MUD (1300 649 683) |
Website : | |
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MIX MUD – Render Specialists in;
- Cement render
- Acrylic render
- Architectural coatings
- Texture coatings
- White set
- Polystyrene wall
- Super specialists in Pool rendering
Where Render is ART!! We are extremely passionate about render and cover all types of rendering for residential/commercial projects including Pool rendering. MIX MUD are a local qualified and trustworthy Northern beaches based (born and bred) family business who have been in the building space and on the beaches for over 50 years.
When all you do is Render you get really really good at it!! MIX MUD are known for their quality work, extremely high attention to detail and for their amazing passion and ongoing communication and commitment to their customers. MIX MUD have been endlessly turning residential, commercial and private homes into something more than just special.
We would love to talk render with you!